1 on
1. preposition1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) sobre, encima de, en2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) en3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) a; el, los4) (about: a book on the theatre.) sobre5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) en, de6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) sobre, en7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) con, a8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) en9) (towards: They marched on the town.) a, hacia10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) en11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) por12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) con13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) en14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) tras
2. adverb1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) en2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) continuamente, sin parar3) ((also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) en marcha, en funcionamiento4) ((also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) en exhibición, en cartelera5) ((also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) a bordo
3. adjective1) (in progress: The game was on.) en curso2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) en pie•- oncoming- ongoing
- onwards
- onward
- be on to someone
- be on to
- on and on
- on time
- on to / onto
on1 adv1. encendido / puesto2. abierto3. puesto4.what time is the programme on? ¿a qué hora dan el programa?5. adelante / sin pararthe policeman told him to stop, but he drove on el policía le dijo que parara, pero siguió adelanteshe saw me, but she just walked on me vio, pero siguió su caminoon2 prep1. en / sobre2. en3.4. enwhat's on at the cinema? ¿qué echan en el cine?5. sobreon the left / on the right a la izquierda / a la derechaon seguido de un gerundio se traduce al español por al más el infinitivoon arriving, she phoned her mother al llegar, llamó a su madreontr[ɒn]1 (covering or touching) sobre, encima de, en2 (supported by, hanging from) en3 (to, towards) a, hacia■ on the right/left a la derecha/izquierda4 (at the edge of) en5 (concerning) sobre■ we went on a journey nos fuimos de viaje, hicimos un viaje7 (days, dates, times) no se traduce8 (at the time of, just after) al10 (as means of transport) a, en■ on foot, on horseback, on a bicycle a pie, a caballo, en bicicleta■ on the train, on the bus, on the underground en el tren, en el autobús, en el metro11 (regarding, about) sobre, de12 (by means of) por■ on the radio, on the TV por la radio, por la tele13 (using) con■ how do you get by on your pension? ¿cómo te las arreglas con tu pensión?14 (state, process) diferentes traducciones15 (working for, belonging to) diferentes traducciones■ whose side are you on? ¿de parte de quién estás?16 (in possession of) con■ have you got any money on you? ¿llevas dinero?17 (paid for by) pagado por■ the drinks are on me! ¡invito yo!18 (by comparison with) respecto a1 (not stopping) sin parar■ on with the show! the show must go on! ¡que siga el espectáculo!3 (clothes - being worn) puesto,-a■ who left the TV on? ¿quién dejó la TV encendida?■ don't leave the tap on! ¡no dejes el grifo abierto!■ could you put a record on? ¿podrías poner un disco?■ is there anything good on TV? ¿dan algo bueno por la tele?■ what time is the film on? ¿a qué hora ponen la película?■ have we got anything on this weekend? ¿tenemos plan para este fin de semana?■ is the heating on? ¿está puesta la calefacción?■ is the party still on? ¿se hace la fiesta?■ the match is on after all después de todo, el partido se celebra■ you're on next! ¡sales tú el próximo!\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLand so on y así sucesivamentefrom that day on a partir de aquel díait's not on no hay derecho, eso no valeon line SMALLCOMPUTING/SMALL conectado,-ato be on about hablar de■ what on earth is he on about? ¿de qué diablos está hablando?to be on at somebody dar la lata a alguiento be on for something apuntarse a algoto go on and on about something seguir dale que dale con algoto have something on somebody tener algo contra alguienyou're on! ¡trato hecho!on ['ɑn, 'ɔn] advput the top on: pon la tapahe has a hat on: lleva un sombrero puestofrom that moment on: a partir de ese momentofarther on: más adelanteturn the light on: prende la luzon adjthe radio is on: el radio está prendidothe game is on: el juego ha comenzado3)to be on to : estar enterado deon prepon the table: en (sobre, encima de) la mesashadows on the wall: sombras en la paredon horseback: a caballo2) at, to: aon the right: a la derecha3) aboard, in: en, aon the plane: en el aviónhe got on the train: subió al trenshe worked on Saturdays: trabajaba los sábadosevery hour on the hour: a la hora en puntohe cut himself on a tin can: se cortó con una latato talk on the telephone: hablar por teléfonoon fire: en llamason the increase: en aumentoon a committee: en una comisiónon vacation: de vacacioneson a diet: a dieta9) about, concerning: sobrea book on insects: un libro sobre insectosreflect on that: reflexiona sobre esoonadj.• conectado, -a adj.• en marcha adj.• encendido, -a adj.adv.• encima adv.prep.• acerca de prep.• conectado (Electricidad) prep.• de prep.• en prep.• encendido (Electricidad) prep.• encima de prep.• sobre prep.
I ɑːn, ɒn1)a) ( indicating position) enput it on the table — ponlo en or sobre la mesa
I live on Acacia Avenue — (esp AmE) vivo en Acacia Avenue
on the right/left — a la derecha/izquierda
b) ( belonging to) dec) ( against)2)a) ( of clothing)b) ( about one's person)on a bicycle/horse — en bicicleta/a caballo
4)a) ( playing instrument) aGeorge Smith on drums — George Smith a la or en la batería
b) (Rad, TV)c) ( recorded on) en5)a) ( using equipment)who's on the computer? — ¿quién está usando la computadora?
you've been on the phone an hour! — hace una hora que estás hablando por teléfono!, hace una hora que estás colgado del teléfono! (fam)
b) ( on duty at) ento be on the door — estar* en la puerta
c) ( contactable via)6) ( a member of)she's on the committee — está en la comisión, es miembro de la comisión
on a team — (AmE) en un equipo
7) ( indicating time)on -ing — al + inf
8) (about, concerning) sobrewhile we're on the subject — a propósito, ya que estamos hablando de esto
9)a) (indicating activity, undertaking)on vacation/safari — de vacaciones/safari
we went on a trip to London — hicimos un viaje a Londres, nos fuimos de viaje a Londres
he's on a diet — está a dieta, está a or de régimen
b) (working on, studying)10) (taking, consuming)11) (talking about income, available funds)she's on £30,000 — (BrE) gana 30.000 libras al año
12) ( according to)13) ( at the expense of)this round's on me — a esta ronda invito yo, esta ronda la pago yo
it's on the house — invita la casa, atención de la casa
14)a) ( in comparison with)b) (in) (AmE)
1)a) ( worn)she had a blue dress on — llevaba (puesto) or tenía puesto un vestido azul
with no clothes on — sin ropa, desnudo
let's see what it looks like on — a ver cómo queda puesto; see also have on, put on
b) ( in place)to sew a button on — coser or pegar* un botón
3) ( indicating progression)a) ( in space)further on — un poco más allá or más adelante
go on up; I'll follow in a minute — tú ve subiendo que yo ya voy
b) (in time, activity)c)on and off, off and on: we still see each other on and off todavía nos vemos de vez en cuando; it rained on and off o off and on all week — estuvo lloviendo y parando toda la semana
d)on and on: the film went on and on la película se hizo interminable or (fam) pesadísima; you don't have to go on and on about it! — no hace falta que sigas dale y dale con lo mismo (fam)
4) ( in phrases)a)on about — (BrE colloq)
what's she on about? — ¿de qué está hablando?, pero ¿qué dice?
b)on at — (BrE colloq)
1) (pred)a) ( functioning)to be on — \<\<light/TV/radio\>\> estar* encendido, estar* prendido (AmL); \<\<faucet\>\> estar* abierto
the electricity/water isn't on yet — la electricidad/el agua todavía no está conectada
b) ( on duty)we work four hours on, four hours off — trabajamos cuatro horas y tenemos otras cuatro de descanso
which of the doctors is on today? — ¿qué médico está de guardia hoy?
2) (pred)a) ( taking place)there's a lecture on in there — hay or están dando una conferencia allí
while the conference is on — mientras dure el congreso, hasta que termine el congreso
b) ( due to take place)the party's definitely on for Friday — la fiesta es or se hace el viernes seguro
is the wedding still on? — ¿no se ha suspendido la boda?
c) ( being presented)what's on at the Renoir? — (Cin, Rad, Theat, TV) ¿qué dan or (Esp tb) ponen or echan en el Renoir?
is that play still on? — ¿sigue en cartelera la obra?
d) (performing, playing)you're on! — ( Theat) a escena!
he has been on for most of the game — ha estado jugando casi todo el partido; see also bring, come, go on
3)a) (indicating agreement, acceptance) (colloq)you teach me Spanish and I'll teach you French - you're on! — tú me enseñas español y yo te enseño francés - trato hecho! or te tomo la palabra!
b)not on — (esp BrE colloq)
[ɒn] When on is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg have on, get on, go on, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, such as broadside on, further on, look up the other word.the idea of finishing by April was never really on — la idea de terminar para abril nunca fue viable
1. PREP1) (indicating place, position) en, sobre•
on page two — en la página dos•
on all sides — por todas partes, por todos lados•
on a day like this — (en) un día como este•
on the evening of July 2nd — el 2 de julio por la tarde3) (=at the time of)on my arrival — al llegar, a mi llegada
4) (=about, concerning) sobre, acerca dea book on physics — un libro de or sobre física
have you read Purnell on Churchill? — ¿has leído los comentarios de Purnell sobre Churchill?
have you heard the boss on the new tax? — ¿has oído lo que dice el jefe acerca de la nueva contribución?
5) (=towards, against)6) (=earning, receiving)he's on £6,000 a year — gana seis mil libras al año
many live on less than that — muchos viven con menos7) (=taking, consuming)live on 1.•
I'm on three pills a day — tomo tres píldoras al día8) (=engaged in)10) (=playing)11) (TV, Rad)12) (=about one's person)13) (=after, according to)14) (=compared to)15) (=at the expense of)this round's on me — esta ronda la pago yo, invito yo
the tour was on the Council — la gira la pagó el Consejo, corrió el Consejo con los gastos de la gira
16) liter17) (phrases)•
on account of — a causa de•
on a charge of murder — acusado de homicidio•
on pain of — so pena debase I, 2., 2)•
on time — a la hora, a tiempo2. ADV1) (=in place) [lid etc] puestoscrew onwhat's she got on? — ¿qué lleva puesto?, ¿cómo va vestida?
from that day on — a partir de aquel día, de aquel día en adelante
on and off — de vez en cuando, a intervalos•
it was well on in the evening — estaba ya muy entrada la tardefurther 1., 1), later 1., 2)well on in years — entrado en años, que va para viejo
to go/walk on — seguir adelante
he rambled on and on — estuvo dale que dale *, estuvo dale y dale (esp LAm)•
and so on — (=and the rest) y demás; (=etc) etcétera•
on with the show! — ¡que empiece or continúe el espectáculo!on with the dancing girls! — ¡que salgan las bailarinas!
5) (in phrases)•
what are you on about? * — ¿de qué (me) hablas?go on•
he's always on at me about it * — me está majando continuamente con eso *3. ADJ1) (=functioning, in operation)to be on — [engine] estar encendido, estar en marcha; [switch] estar encendido or conectado; [machine] estar encendido or funcionando; [light] estar encendido, estar prendido (LAm); [TV set etc] estar encendido, estar puesto, estar prendido (LAm); [tap] estar abierto; [brake etc] estar puesto, estar echado
in the on position — [tap] abierto, en posición de abierto; (Elec) encendido, puesto, prendido (LAm)
2) (=being performed, shown)what's on at the cinema? — ¿qué ponen en el cine?
what's on at the theatre? — ¿qué dan en el teatro?
"what's on in London" — "cartelera de los espectáculos londinenses"
3) (=taking place)is the meeting still on tonight? — ¿sigue en pie la reunión de esta noche?, ¿se lleva a cabo siempre la reunión de esta noche? (LAm)
4) (=arranged)have you got anything on this evening? — ¿tienes compromiso para esta noche?
sorry, I've got something on tonight — lo siento, esta noche tengo un compromiso
5) (=performing, working)to be on — [actor] estar en escena
are you on next? — ¿te toca a ti la próxima vez?
are you on tomorrow? — (=on duty) ¿trabajas mañana?, ¿estás de turno mañana?
6) * (indicating agreement, acceptance)you're on! — ¡te tomo la palabra!
are you still on for dinner tomorrow night? — ¿sigo contando contigo para cenar mañana?
that's not on — (Brit) eso no se hace, no hay derecho
4.EXCL ¡adelante!* * *
I [ɑːn, ɒn]1)a) ( indicating position) enput it on the table — ponlo en or sobre la mesa
I live on Acacia Avenue — (esp AmE) vivo en Acacia Avenue
on the right/left — a la derecha/izquierda
b) ( belonging to) dec) ( against)2)a) ( of clothing)b) ( about one's person)on a bicycle/horse — en bicicleta/a caballo
4)a) ( playing instrument) aGeorge Smith on drums — George Smith a la or en la batería
b) (Rad, TV)c) ( recorded on) en5)a) ( using equipment)who's on the computer? — ¿quién está usando la computadora?
you've been on the phone an hour! — hace una hora que estás hablando por teléfono!, hace una hora que estás colgado del teléfono! (fam)
b) ( on duty at) ento be on the door — estar* en la puerta
c) ( contactable via)6) ( a member of)she's on the committee — está en la comisión, es miembro de la comisión
on a team — (AmE) en un equipo
7) ( indicating time)on -ing — al + inf
8) (about, concerning) sobrewhile we're on the subject — a propósito, ya que estamos hablando de esto
9)a) (indicating activity, undertaking)on vacation/safari — de vacaciones/safari
we went on a trip to London — hicimos un viaje a Londres, nos fuimos de viaje a Londres
he's on a diet — está a dieta, está a or de régimen
b) (working on, studying)10) (taking, consuming)11) (talking about income, available funds)she's on £30,000 — (BrE) gana 30.000 libras al año
12) ( according to)13) ( at the expense of)this round's on me — a esta ronda invito yo, esta ronda la pago yo
it's on the house — invita la casa, atención de la casa
14)a) ( in comparison with)b) (in) (AmE)
1)a) ( worn)she had a blue dress on — llevaba (puesto) or tenía puesto un vestido azul
with no clothes on — sin ropa, desnudo
let's see what it looks like on — a ver cómo queda puesto; see also have on, put on
b) ( in place)to sew a button on — coser or pegar* un botón
3) ( indicating progression)a) ( in space)further on — un poco más allá or más adelante
go on up; I'll follow in a minute — tú ve subiendo que yo ya voy
b) (in time, activity)c)on and off, off and on: we still see each other on and off todavía nos vemos de vez en cuando; it rained on and off o off and on all week — estuvo lloviendo y parando toda la semana
d)on and on: the film went on and on la película se hizo interminable or (fam) pesadísima; you don't have to go on and on about it! — no hace falta que sigas dale y dale con lo mismo (fam)
4) ( in phrases)a)on about — (BrE colloq)
what's she on about? — ¿de qué está hablando?, pero ¿qué dice?
b)on at — (BrE colloq)
1) (pred)a) ( functioning)to be on — \<\<light/TV/radio\>\> estar* encendido, estar* prendido (AmL); \<\<faucet\>\> estar* abierto
the electricity/water isn't on yet — la electricidad/el agua todavía no está conectada
b) ( on duty)we work four hours on, four hours off — trabajamos cuatro horas y tenemos otras cuatro de descanso
which of the doctors is on today? — ¿qué médico está de guardia hoy?
2) (pred)a) ( taking place)there's a lecture on in there — hay or están dando una conferencia allí
while the conference is on — mientras dure el congreso, hasta que termine el congreso
b) ( due to take place)the party's definitely on for Friday — la fiesta es or se hace el viernes seguro
is the wedding still on? — ¿no se ha suspendido la boda?
c) ( being presented)what's on at the Renoir? — (Cin, Rad, Theat, TV) ¿qué dan or (Esp tb) ponen or echan en el Renoir?
is that play still on? — ¿sigue en cartelera la obra?
d) (performing, playing)you're on! — ( Theat) a escena!
he has been on for most of the game — ha estado jugando casi todo el partido; see also bring, come, go on
3)a) (indicating agreement, acceptance) (colloq)you teach me Spanish and I'll teach you French - you're on! — tú me enseñas español y yo te enseño francés - trato hecho! or te tomo la palabra!
b)not on — (esp BrE colloq)
2 subir
v.1 to go/come up (ascender) (calle, escaleras).subió las escaleras a toda velocidad she ran up o climbed the stairs as fast as she couldsubir por la escalera to go/come up the stairs2 to lift up (poner arriba).ayúdame a subir la caja help me get the box up; (a lo alto) help me carry the box upstairs (al piso de arriba)3 to put up, to increase (increase) (precio, peso).La empresa sube los precios The company increases the prices.Me subió la calentura My fever increased.4 to raise (alzar) (mano, bandera, voz).El chico sube la cama The boy raises the bed.5 to raise the pitch of (Music).6 to go up, to rise (increase) (precio, temperatura).El elevador sube The elevator climbs.7 to get on (montar) (en avión, barco).sube al coche get into the car8 to rise (cooking) (crecer).9 to walk up, to climb.Ella subió el sendero She walked up the path.* * *1 (ir hacia arriba - gen) to go up, come up; (- avión) to climb2 (en un vehículo - coche) to get in; (autobús, avión, barco, tren) to get on, get onto■ ¡venga, sube! go on, get in!3 (montar - bicicleta) to get on; (- caballo) to get on, mount4 (a un árbol) to climb up5 figurado (elevarse, aumentar) to rise6 figurado (categoría, puesto) to be promoted1 (escaleras, calle) to go up, climb; (montaña) to climb2 (mover arriba) to carry up, take up, bring up; (poner arriba) to put upstairs3 (cabeza etc) to lift, raise4 (pared) to raise5 COSTURA to take up6 figurado (precio, salario, etc) to raise, put up1 (piso, escalera) to go up2 (árbol, muro, etc) to climb up (a, -)3 (en un vehículo - coche) to get in (a, -); (autobús) to get on (a, -); (avión, barco, tren) to get on (a, -), get onto (a,-)■ ¡súbete, súbete al coche! get in, get into the car!4 (en animales, bicicleta) to get on (a, -), mount\subir a bordo to get on boardsubir al trono figurado to ascend to the thronesubir como la espuma familiar to spread like wildfiresubirse por las paredes figurado to hit the roofsubírsele a uno los humos a la cabeza figurado to become conceitedsubírsele algo a la cabeza figurado to go to one's head* * *verb1) to increase, rise2) raise3) climb•- subir a* * *1. VT1) (=levantar) [+ pierna, brazo, objeto] to lift, lift up, raise; [+ calcetines, pantalones, persianas] to pull upsube los brazos — lift your arms (up), raise your arms
2) (=poner arriba) [llevando] to take up; [trayendo] to bring up¿me puedes ayudar a subir las maletas? — can you help me to take up the cases?
¿puedes subir ese cuadro de abajo? — could you bring that picture up from down there?
3) (=ascender) [+ calle, cuesta, escalera, montaña] (=ir arriba) to go up; (=venir arriba) to come uptenía problemas para subir las escaleras — he had difficulty getting up o climbing the stairs
4) (=aumentar) [+ precio, salario] to put up, raise, increase; [+ artículo en venta] to put up the price oflos taxistas han subido sus tarifas — taxi drivers have put their fares up o have raised their fares
van a subir la gasolina — they are going to put up o increase the price of petrol
5) (=elevar) [+ volumen, televisión, radio] to turn up; [+ voz] to raisesube la radio, que no se oye — turn the radio up, I can't hear it
6) [en escalafón] [+ persona] to promote7) (Arquit) to put up, buildsubir una pared — to put up o build a wall
8) (Mús) to raise the pitch of2. VI1) (=ir arriba) to go up; (=venir arriba) to come up; [en un monte, en el aire] to climbsube, que te voy a enseñar unos discos — come up, I've got some records to show you
2) (Transportes) [en autobús, avión, tren, bicicleta, moto, caballo] to get on; [en coche, taxi] to get insubir a un autobús/avión/tren — to get on(to) a bus/plane/train
subir a un caballo — to mount a horse, get on(to) a horse
subir a bordo — to go o get on board
3) [en el escalafón] to be promoted (a to)nuestro objetivo es subir a primera división — our aim is to go up o be promoted to the First Division
4) (=aumentar) [precio, valor] to go up, rise; [temperatura] to risetono 2)5) (=aumentar de nivel) [río, mercurio] to rise; [marea] to come in6) [cantidad]subir a — to come to, total
3.See:SUBIR Otros verbos de movimiento ► Subir la cuesta/ la escalera {etc}, por regla general, se suele traducir por to come up o por to go up, según la dirección del movimiento (hacia o en sentido contrario al hablante), pero come y go se pueden reemplazar por otros verbos de movimiento si la oración española especifica la forma en que se sube mediante el uso de adverbios o construcciones adverbiales: Tim subió las escaleras a gatas Tim crept up the stairs El mes pasado los precios subieron vertiginosamente Prices shot up last month Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ascensor/persona ( alejándose) to go up; ( acercándose) to come upel camino sube hasta la cima — the path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill
b)subir A algo — a autobús/tren/avión to get on o onto sth; a coche to get in o into sth; a caballo/bicicleta to get on o onto sth, to mount sth (frml)
subir a bordo — to go o get on board
c) ( de categoría) to go up; ( en el escalafón) to be promotedhan subido a primera división — they've been promoted to o they've gone up to the first division
d) ( en tenis)2)a) marea to come in; aguas/río to riseb) fiebre/tensión to go up, rise; temperatura to risec) leche materna to come in3) precio/valor/cotización/salario to rise, go up2.subir vt2)a) <objeto/niño> ( llevar arriba - acercándose) to bring up; (- alejándose) to take upb) <objeto/niño> ( poner más alto)c) <persiana/telón> to raise; < pantalones> to pull up¿me subes la cremallera? — will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper (AmE) o (BrE) zip?
d) < dobladillo> to take up; < falda> to take o turn up3) (Inf) to upload4)a) <precios/salarios> to raise, put up¿cuánto te han subido este año? — how much did your salary go up this year?
b) <volumen/radio> to turn up3.sube un poco la calefacción — turn the heating o heat up a little
subirse verbo pronominal1)a) (a coche, autobús, etc) verbo intransitivo 1 bb) ( trepar) to climbse subió al árbol/al muro — she climbed up the tree/(up) onto the walls
estaba subido a un árbol/caballo — he was up a tree/sitting on a horse
c) (a la cabeza, cara) (+ me/te/le etc)se me subieron los colores — I went red o blushed
2) (refl) <calcetines/pantalones> to pull up* * *= go up, move up, raise, rise, ascend, mount, walk up, elevate, climb, bring up, zip, move down, hike up, scale, spike, crank up, get + high, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, mark + Nombre + up, amp up, turn up.Ex. Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.Ex. Now we move up the chain providing index entries for each of the potentially sought terms.Ex. The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.Ex. If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.Ex. As she ascended the staircase to the library director's office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.Ex. He fully expected the director to acquiesce, for his eyebrows mounted ever so slightly.Ex. Some of the questions to ask ourselves are will people walk up or down stairs, across quadrangles, etc just to visit the library?.Ex. Some of the things that are said about genuine bookselling do at times seem to elevate this occupation to a level far beyond mere commerce.Ex. Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.Ex. Matrix and mould were pivoted and were brought up to the nozzle of a metal pump for the moment of casting, and then swung back to eject the new-made letter.Ex. The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.Ex. Of the 32 institutions indicating some change in status from July 1982 to January 1983, 19 moved down in status and 13 moved up.Ex. The government has hiked up the rate of income tax being paid by oil multinationals.Ex. You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.Ex. Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.Ex. Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.Ex. Yes, some people with thin blood or whose pulse and blood pressure get high enough will have a nose bleed when excited.Ex. Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.Ex. Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.Ex. There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.Ex. We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.Ex. David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.Ex. Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.Ex. After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.Ex. The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.Ex. Determine how much it costs to make the item, how much it costs to market that item, and then mark it up by 15-30% or more.Ex. In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.Ex. Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.----* estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.* obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.* subir a = board.* subir al poder = rise to + power.* subir al trono = ascend (to) + the throne.* subir a un barco = board + ship.* subir de nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.* subir de precio = rise in + price.* subir el listón = raise + the bar, move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.* subir el nivel = raise + standard, raise + the bar.* subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.* subir el volumen = pump up + the volume.* subir en = ride.* subir en bici = ride + a bike.* subir en bicicleta = ride + a bike.* subir exageradamente = rise + steeply.* subir la moral = boost + Posesivo + morale, lift + morale, increase + morale, improve + morale, boost + Posesivo + confidence, bolster + confidence.* subirle la nota a Alguien = mark + Nombre + up.* subir ligeramente = nudge up.* subir los impuestos = push + taxes.* subir repentinamente = shoot up.* subirse al autobús = get on + the bus.* subirse al tren = jump on + the bandwagon, ride + the hype, catch + the fever.* subírsele a la cabeza = go to + Posesivo + head.* subírsele los colores = go + bright red.* subírsele los humos a la cabeza = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* subirse por las paredes = be beside + Reflexivo.* subir y/o bajar = move up and/or down.* telón + subir = curtain + rise.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ascensor/persona ( alejándose) to go up; ( acercándose) to come upel camino sube hasta la cima — the path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill
b)subir A algo — a autobús/tren/avión to get on o onto sth; a coche to get in o into sth; a caballo/bicicleta to get on o onto sth, to mount sth (frml)
subir a bordo — to go o get on board
c) ( de categoría) to go up; ( en el escalafón) to be promotedhan subido a primera división — they've been promoted to o they've gone up to the first division
d) ( en tenis)2)a) marea to come in; aguas/río to riseb) fiebre/tensión to go up, rise; temperatura to risec) leche materna to come in3) precio/valor/cotización/salario to rise, go up2.subir vt2)a) <objeto/niño> ( llevar arriba - acercándose) to bring up; (- alejándose) to take upb) <objeto/niño> ( poner más alto)c) <persiana/telón> to raise; < pantalones> to pull up¿me subes la cremallera? — will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper (AmE) o (BrE) zip?
d) < dobladillo> to take up; < falda> to take o turn up3) (Inf) to upload4)a) <precios/salarios> to raise, put up¿cuánto te han subido este año? — how much did your salary go up this year?
b) <volumen/radio> to turn up3.sube un poco la calefacción — turn the heating o heat up a little
subirse verbo pronominal1)a) (a coche, autobús, etc) verbo intransitivo 1 bb) ( trepar) to climbse subió al árbol/al muro — she climbed up the tree/(up) onto the walls
estaba subido a un árbol/caballo — he was up a tree/sitting on a horse
c) (a la cabeza, cara) (+ me/te/le etc)se me subieron los colores — I went red o blushed
2) (refl) <calcetines/pantalones> to pull up* * *= go up, move up, raise, rise, ascend, mount, walk up, elevate, climb, bring up, zip, move down, hike up, scale, spike, crank up, get + high, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, mark + Nombre + up, amp up, turn up.Ex: Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.
Ex: Now we move up the chain providing index entries for each of the potentially sought terms.Ex: The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.Ex: If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.Ex: As she ascended the staircase to the library director's office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.Ex: He fully expected the director to acquiesce, for his eyebrows mounted ever so slightly.Ex: Some of the questions to ask ourselves are will people walk up or down stairs, across quadrangles, etc just to visit the library?.Ex: Some of the things that are said about genuine bookselling do at times seem to elevate this occupation to a level far beyond mere commerce.Ex: Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.Ex: Matrix and mould were pivoted and were brought up to the nozzle of a metal pump for the moment of casting, and then swung back to eject the new-made letter.Ex: The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.Ex: Of the 32 institutions indicating some change in status from July 1982 to January 1983, 19 moved down in status and 13 moved up.Ex: The government has hiked up the rate of income tax being paid by oil multinationals.Ex: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.Ex: Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.Ex: Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.Ex: Yes, some people with thin blood or whose pulse and blood pressure get high enough will have a nose bleed when excited.Ex: Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.Ex: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.Ex: There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.Ex: We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.Ex: David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.Ex: Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.Ex: After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.Ex: The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.Ex: Determine how much it costs to make the item, how much it costs to market that item, and then mark it up by 15-30% or more.Ex: In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.Ex: Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.* estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.* obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.* subir a = board.* subir al poder = rise to + power.* subir al trono = ascend (to) + the throne.* subir a un barco = board + ship.* subir de nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.* subir de precio = rise in + price.* subir el listón = raise + the bar, move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.* subir el nivel = raise + standard, raise + the bar.* subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.* subir el volumen = pump up + the volume.* subir en = ride.* subir en bici = ride + a bike.* subir en bicicleta = ride + a bike.* subir exageradamente = rise + steeply.* subir la moral = boost + Posesivo + morale, lift + morale, increase + morale, improve + morale, boost + Posesivo + confidence, bolster + confidence.* subirle la nota a Alguien = mark + Nombre + up.* subir ligeramente = nudge up.* subir los impuestos = push + taxes.* subir repentinamente = shoot up.* subirse al autobús = get on + the bus.* subirse al tren = jump on + the bandwagon, ride + the hype, catch + the fever.* subírsele a la cabeza = go to + Posesivo + head.* subírsele los colores = go + bright red.* subírsele los humos a la cabeza = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* subirse por las paredes = be beside + Reflexivo.* subir y/o bajar = move up and/or down.* telón + subir = curtain + rise.* * *subir [I1 ]viA1 «ascensor/persona» (alejándose) to go up; (acercándose) to come uphay que subir a pie you have to walk upahora subo I'll be right up, I'm coming up nowvoy a subir al caserío I'm going up to the farmhouselos autobuses que suben al pueblo the buses that go up to the villageel camino sube hasta la cima the path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill2 (a un coche) to get in; (a un autobús, etc) to get on subir A algo ‹a un autobús/un tren/un avión› to get ON o ONTO sth; ‹a un coche› to get IN o INTO sth; ‹a un caballo/una bicicleta› to get ON o ONTO sth, to mount sth ( frml)subir a bordo to go/get on board3 (de categoría) to go upha subido en el escalafón he has been promotedhan subido a primera división they've been promoted to o they've gone up to the first divisionha subido mucho en mi estima she has gone up a lot o ( frml) risen greatly in my estimation5(en tenis): subir a la red to go up to the netB1 «marea» to come in; «aguas/río» to riselas aguas no subieron de nivel the water level did not rise2 «fiebre/tensión» to go up, risehan subido las temperaturas temperatures have risen3 ( Med) «leche» to come in, be producedC «precio/valor/cotización» to rise, go upla leche subió a 60 céntimos milk went up to sixty centsel desempleo subió en 94.500 personas en el primer trimestre unemployment rose by 94,500 in the first quarterha subido el dólar con respecto al euro the dollar has risen against the euroD ( Inf) to upload■ subirvtA ‹montaña› to climb; ‹cuesta› to go up, climbsubió corriendo la escalera she ran upstairstiene problemas para subir la escalera he has trouble getting up o climbing the stairssubió los escalones de dos en dos he went o walked up the stairs two at a timeB1 ‹objeto/niño› (acercándose) to bring up; (alejándose) to take upvoy a subir la compra I'm just going to take the shopping upstairstengo que subir unas cajas al desván I have to put some boxes up in the attic¿puedes subir las maletas? could you take the cases up?sube al niño al caballo lift the child onto the horseese cuadro está muy bajo, ¿puedes subirlo un poco? that picture is very low, can you put it up a little higher?traía el cuello del abrigo subido he had his coat collar turned up2 ‹persiana/telón› to raisesubió la ventanilla she wound the window up o closed o raised the windowven que te suba los pantalones come here and let me pull your pants ( AmE) o ( BrE) trousers up for you3 ‹dobladillo› to take up; ‹falda› to take o turn upC1 ‹precios/salarios› to raise, put up¿cuánto te han subido este año? how much did your salary go up this year?2 ‹volumen/radio› to turn upsube el volumen turn the volume upsube el tono que no te oigo speak up, I can't hear yousube un poco la calefacción turn the heating o heat up a little■ subirseA2 (trepar) to climbse subió al muro she climbed (up) onto the wallles encanta subirse a los árboles they love to climb treesestaban subidos a un árbol they were up a treeel niño se le subió encima the child climbed on top of him3 (a la cabeza, cara) (+ me/te/le etc):el vino enseguida se me subió a la cabeza the wine went straight to my headel éxito se le ha subido a la cabeza success has gone to his headnoté que se me subían los colores (a la cara) I realized that I was going red o blushingB ( refl) ‹calcetines/pantalones› to pull up* * *
subir ( conjugate subir) verbo intransitivo
( venir arriba) to come up;
ahora subo I'll be right up;
el camino sube hasta la cima the path goes up to o leads to the top of the hillb) subir A algo ‹a autobús/tren/avión› to get on o onto sth;
‹ a coche› to get in o into sth;
‹a caballo/bicicleta› to get on o onto sth, to mount sth (frml);◊ subir a bordo to go o get on board
( en el escalafón) to be promoted
[aguas/río] to rise
[ temperatura] to rise
3 [precio/valor/cotización/salario] to rise, go up
verbo transitivo
1 ‹ montaña› to climb;
‹escaleras/cuesta› to go up, climb
( llevar arriba) to take up;
‹ cuello de prenda› to turn up:
‹ pantalones› to pull up;◊ ¿me subes la cremallera? will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper (AmE) o (BrE) zip?
‹ falda› to take o turn upe) (Inf) to upload
subirse verbo pronominal
◊ se subió al árbol/al muro she climbed up the tree/(up) onto the wall;
estaba subido a un árbol he was up a tree
2 ( refl) ‹calcetines/pantalones› to pull up;
‹ cuello› to turn up
I verbo transitivo
1 (una pendiente, las escaleras) to go up
(hacia el hablante) to come up
(una montaña) to climb
2 (llevar arriba) to take up: voy a subir las cajas, I'm going to take the boxes upstairs
(hacia el hablante) to bring up
3 (elevar) to raise: sube la mano izquierda, lift your left hand
(el sueldo, la temperatura, la voz, etc) to raise: sube (el volumen de) la radio, turn the radio up
II verbo intransitivo
1 (ascender) to go up: ¿por qué no subimos a verla?, why don't we go up to see her?
(acercándose al hablante) to come up ➣ Ver nota en ir 2 (a un avión, tren, autobús) to get on o onto: subimos al tren, we boarded the train
(a un coche) to get into o in
3 (la marea, las aguas) to rise
4 (la temperatura) to rise
5 (los precios, el sueldo, etc) to rise, go up
6 (de categoría) to go up
' subir' also found in these entries:
- abrochar
- ascender
- bordo
- cajón
- cerrar
- cortante
- embarcación
- escena
- estrado
- irse
- trono
- abordar
- alto
- bien
- escalafón
- montar
- volumen
- ascend
- board
- boarding card
- boarding pass
- climb
- come in
- come up
- curl
- elevate
- escalate
- flight
- get into
- get on
- go up
- hand up
- heave
- hoist
- increase
- jump on
- mount
- move up
- pile in
- push
- raise
- rise
- roll up
- send up
- sharply
- shoot up
- show up
- slope
- spiral up
- stair
- stand
- steeply
- tree
- turn up
- up
- volume
- walk up
- zip up
- air
- come
- do
- flow
- gain
- get
- go
- jump
* * *♦ vt1. [poner arriba] [libro, cuadro] to put up;[telón] to raise; [persiana] to roll up; [ventanilla] to wind up, to close;he subido la enciclopedia de la primera a la última estantería I've moved the encyclopedia up from the bottom shelf to the top one;sube el cuadro un poco move the picture up a bit o a bit higher;¿me ayudas a subir las bolsas? could you help me take the bags up?;ayúdame a subir la caja [a lo alto] help me get the box up;[al piso de arriba] help me carry the box upstairs2. [montar]subir algo/a alguien a to lift sth/sb onto3. [alzar] [bandera] to raise;subir la mano to put one's hand up, to raise one's hand4. [ascender] [calle, escaleras] to go/come up;[escalera de mano] to climb; [pendiente, montaña] to go up;subió las escaleras a toda velocidad she ran up o climbed the stairs as fast as she could;subió la calle a todo correr he ran up the street as fast as he could5. [aumentar] [precio, impuestos] to put up, to increase;[música, volumen, radio] to turn up;subir el fuego de la cocina to turn up the heat;subir la moral a alguien to lift sb's spirits, to cheer sb up6. [hacer ascender de categoría] to promote7. Mús to raise the pitch of♦ vi1. [a piso, azotea] to go/come up;¿podrías subir aquí un momento? could you come up here a minute?;subo enseguida I'll be up in a minute;subir corriendo to run up;subir por la escalera to go/come up the stairs;subir (a) por algo to go up and get sth;subir a la red [en tenis] to come (in) to the net2. [montar] [en avión, barco] to get on;[en coche] to get in; [en moto, bicicleta, tren] to get on; [en caballo] to get on, to mount; [en árbol, escalera de mano, silla] to climb up;subir a [coche] to get in(to);[moto, bicicleta, tren, avión] to get on; [caballo] to get on, to mount; [árbol, escalera de mano] to climb up; [silla, mesa] to get o climb onto; [piso] to go/come up to;subir a bordo to go on board;es peligroso subir al tren en marcha it is dangerous to board the train while it is moving3. [aumentar] to rise, to go up;[hinchazón, cauce] to rise; [fiebre] to raise, to go up;los precios subieron prices went up o rose;subió la gasolina the price of petrol went up o rose;el euro subió frente a la libra the euro went up o rose against the pound;las acciones de C & C han subido C & C share prices have gone up o risen;han subido las ventas sales are up;este modelo ha subido de precio this model has gone up in price, the price of this model has gone up;el coste total no subirá del millón the total cost will not be more than o over a million;no subirá de tres horas it will take three hours at most, it won't take more than three hours;está subiendo la marea the tide is coming in;el jefe ha subido mucho en mi estima the boss has gone up a lot in my estimationsubiré a la capital la próxima semana I'll be going up to the capital next week;¿por qué no subes a vernos este fin de semana? why don't you come up to see us this weekend?7. [ascender de categoría] to be promoted (a to); Dep to be promoted, to go up (a to);el Atlético subió de categoría Atlético went up* * *I v/tII v/i2 de precio rise, go up4:subir al poder rise to power;subir al trono ascend to the throne* * *subir vt1) : to bring up, to take up2) : to climb, to go up3) : to raisesubir vi1) : to go up, to come up2) : to rise, to increase3) : to be promoted4)subir a : to get on, to mountsubir a un tren: to get on a train* * *subir vb1. (ir arriba) to go up¡sube! ¡la vista es fantástica! come up! the view is fantastic!2. (escalar) to climb3. (en un coche) to get in4. (en un tren, autobús, avión) to get on8. (hacer más fuerte) to turn up -
3 high
1. adjective1) (at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board.) alto2) (having a particular height: This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high.) de altura3) (great; large; considerable: The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature.) alto; elevado; grande4) (most important; very important: the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official.) mayor; supremo; alto5) (noble; good: high ideals.) bueno, noble6) ((of a wind) strong: The wind is high tonight.) fuerte7) ((of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range: a high note.) alto8) ((of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's): He still speaks in a high voice.) agudo9) ((of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.) pasado10) (having great value: Aces and kings are high cards.) importante; de gran valor
2. adverb(at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession.) alto- highly- highness
- high-chair
- high-class
- higher education
- high fidelity
- high-handed
- high-handedly
- high-handedness
- high jump
- highlands
- high-level
- highlight
3. verb(to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc).) destacar, hacer resaltar, poner de relieve- high-minded
- high-mindedness
- high-pitched
- high-powered
- high-rise
- highroad
- high school
- high-spirited
- high spirits
- high street
- high-tech
4. adjective((also hi-tech): high-tech industries.) de alta tecnología, de tecnología punta- high treason
- high water
- highway
- Highway Code
- highwayman
- high wire
- high and dry
- high and low
- high and mighty
- the high seas
- it is high time
high adj1. altoit is over 29,000 feet high tiene más de 29.000 pies de altura2. fuerte3. agudotr[haɪ]1 alto,-a■ how high is that mountain? ¿qué altura tiene aquella montaña?2 (elevated, intense) alto,-a, elevado,-a3 (important) alto,-a, importante; (strong) fuerte4 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL alto,-a5 (very good) bueno,-a,6 (going rotten - food) pasado,-a; (- game) manido,-a7 (of time) pleno,-a8 slang (on drugs) flipado,-a, colocado,-a1 alto■ feelings often run high at football games a menudo los ánimos se exaltan en los partidos de fútbol1 punto máximo, récord nombre masculino2 SMALLMETEOROLOGY/SMALL zona de alta presión, anticiclón nombre masculino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be in for the high jump familiar tener los días contadosto be in high spirits estar de buen humorto be on a high sentirse muy biento have friends in high places estar muy bien relacionado,-ato leave somebody high and dry dejar plantado,-a a alguiento search high and low for something buscar algo por todas parteshigh chair silla altaHigh Commissioner Alto Comisario, Alto ComisionadoHigh Court Tribunal nombre masculino Supremohigh fidelity alta fidelidad nombre femeninohigh jump SMALLSPORT/SMALL salto de alturahigh noon mediodía nombre masculinohigh priest sumo sacerdote nombre masculinohigh road carretera principalhigh season temporada altahigh school SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL instituto de enseñanza secundaria (para alumnos de entre 11 y 18 años) 2 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL instituto de enseñanza secundaria (para alumnos de entre 15 y 18 años)high tea merienda-cenathe high life la buena vidathe High Street la Calle Mayorhigh ['haɪ] adv: altohigh adj1) tall: altoa high wall: una pared alta2) elevated: alto, elevadohigh prices: precios elevadoshigh blood pressure: presión alta3) great, important: grande, importante, altoa high number: un número grandehigh society: alta sociedadhigh hopes: grandes esperanzas4) : alto (en música)5) intoxicated: borracho, drogadohigh n1) : récord m, punto m máximoto reach an all-time high: batir el récord2) : zona f de alta presión (en meteorología)4)on high : en las alturasadj.• alto, -a adj.• atiplado, -a adj.• de altura adj.• elevado, -a adj.• eminente adj.• empinado, -a adj.• encandilado, -a adj.• encumbrado, -a adj.• manido, -a adj.• mayor adj.• prócer adj.• subido, -a adj.• sumo, -a adj.• superior adj.n.• alta presión s.f.• marcha directa s.f.
I haɪadjective -er, -est1)a) ( tall) <building/wall/mountain> altohow high is it? — ¿qué altura tiene?
the tower is 40 m high — la torre tiene 40 m de alto or de altura
a 12 ft high wall — un muro de 12 pies de alto or de altura
the river is very high — el río está muy alto or crecido
high cheekbones — pómulos mpl salientes
c) ( in status) <office/rank/officials> altod) (morally, ethically) <ideals/principles/aims> elevado2)a) (considerable, greater than usual) <temperature/speed/pressure> alto; < wind> fuerteto have a high color — ( permanently) ser* rubicundo; ( because of a fever) estar* muy colorado or rojo
to pay a high price for something — pagar* algo muy caro
to be high in vitamins/proteins — ser* rico en vitaminas/proteínas
b) (good, favorable)3)a) (Lit, Theat)a moment of high comedy/drama — un momento comiquísimo/muy dramático
b) ( climactic) culminante4)a) (happy, excited)we had a high old time — (colloq) lo pasamos estupendamente
b) ( intoxicated) (colloq) drogado, colocado (Esp fam)to be/get high on something — estar* drogado or (Esp tb) colocado/drogarse* or (Esp tb) colocarse* con algo (fam)
5) ( of time)
adverb -er, -esta) < fly> altohigh up — arriba, en lo alto
to aim high — \<\<marksman\>\> apuntar alto; \<\<ambitious person\>\> picar* alto
to search o hunt o look high and low (for something) — remover* cielo y tierra (para encontrar algo)
c) (in amount, degree)how high are you prepared to bid? — ¿hasta cuánto estás dispuesto a pujar or ofrecer?
1)a) c ( level) récord mb) u[haɪ]on high — ( in heaven) en las alturas; ( high above) en lo alto
1. ADJ(compar higher) (superl highest)1) (=tall, elevated) [building, mountain] alto; [plateau] elevado; [altitude] grandea building 60 metres high — un edificio de 60 metros de alto or de altura
it's 20 metres high — tiene 20 metros de alto or de altura
the ceilings are very high — los techos son muy altos•
how high is Ben Nevis/that tree? — ¿qué altura tiene el Ben Nevis/ese árbol?•
economic reform is high on the agenda — la reforma económica figura entre los asuntos más importantes a tratar•
the river is high — el río está crecido•
I've known her since she was so high * — la conozco desde que era así (de pequeña)•
the sun was high in the sky — el sol daba de plenothe boats lay at the river's edge, high and dry — los botes estaban en la orilla del río, varados
- leave sb high and dry2) (=considerable, great) [level, risk, rent, salary, principles] alto; [price, tax, number] alto, elevado; [speed] alto, gran; [quality] alto, bueno; [colour] subido; [complexion] (characteristically) rojizo; (temporarily) enrojecido; [wind] fuertetemperatures were in the high 80s — las temperaturas alcanzaron los ochenta y muchos, las temperaturas rondaron los 90 grados
we offer education of the highest quality — ofrecemos una educación de la más alta or de la mejor calidad
to have high blood pressure — tener la tensión alta, ser hipertenso•
to have high hopes of sth, I had high hopes of being elected — tenía muchas esperanzas de que me eligieran•
parsley is high in calcium — el perejil es rico en calcio•
to have a high opinion of sb — (=think highly of) tener muy buena opinión or concepto de algn; (=be fond of) tener a algn en alta estima•
to pay a high price for sth — (lit) pagar mucho dinero por algo; (fig) pagar algo muy caro•
to have a high temperature — tener mucha fiebre, tener una fiebre muy alta- have a high old timegear, priority, profile, spirit, stake, high 1., 4)it's high time... * —
3) (=important, superior) [rank, position, office] alto•
high and mighty, she's too high and mighty — es demasiado engreídashe moves in the circles of the high and mighty — se mueve en círculos de los poderosos, se mueve en círculos de gente de mucho fuste pej
- get up on one's high horsethere's no need to get (up) on your high horse! — ¡no hace falta que te subas a la parra!
- come down off or get off one's high horsein high places —
to have friends in high places — tener amigos importantes or con influencias
people in high places — gente influyente or importante
4) (=high-pitched) [sound, note] alto; [voice] agudoon a high note —
5) * (=intoxicated)to be high (on) — [+ drink, drugs] estar colocado (de) *
to get high (on) — [+ drink, drugs] colocarse (de) *
she was high on her latest success — estaba encantada or entusiasmada con su último éxito
- be as high as a kite6) (Culin) (=mature) [game, cheese] que huele fuerte; (=rotten) [meat] pasado2. ADV(compar higher) (superl highest)1) (in height) [fly, rise] a gran altura•
high above, an eagle circled high above — un águila circulaba en las alturasthe town is perched high above the river — el pueblo está en un alto, sobre el río
high up, his farm was high up in the mountains — su granja estaba en lo alto de las montañas- hold one's head up high- live high on the hog- hunt or search high and low for sth/sbaim, fly, head 1., 1), stand 3., 5)2) (in degree, number, strength)•
the bidding went as high as £500 — las ofertas llegaron hasta 500 libras3. N1)on high — (=in heaven) en el cielo, en las alturas
there's been a new directive from on high — (fig) ha habido una nueva directriz de arriba
2) (=peak)- be on a high3) (Econ) máximo mthe Dow Jones index reached a high of 2503 — el índice de Dow Jones alcanzó un máximo de 2.503
4) (Met) zona f de altas presiones; (esp US) temperatura f máxima5) (US) (Aut) (=top gear) directa f4.CPDhigh altar N — altar m mayor
high beam N (US) (Aut) —
he had his lights on high beam — llevaba las luces largas or de cruce
high camp N — (Theat) amaneramiento m
high chair N — silla f alta (para niño), trona f (Sp)
High Church N — sector de la Iglesia Anglicana muy cercano a la liturgia y ritos católicos
high comedy N — (Theat) comedia f de costumbres
it was high comedy — (fig) era de lo más cómico
high command N — (Mil) alto mando m
high commission N — (=international body) alto comisionado m; (=embassy) embajada f (que representa a uno de los países de la Commonwealth en otro)
high commissioner N — [of international body] alto comisario(-a) m / f; (=ambassador) embajador(a) m / f (de un país de la Commonwealth en otro)
high-definitionHigh Court N — (Jur) Tribunal m Supremo
high dependency unit N — (Med) unidad f de alta dependencia
high diving N — saltos mpl de trampolín de gran altura
high explosive N — explosivo m de gran potencia; high-explosive
high fashion N — alta costura f
high five, high-five N — choque m de cinco
to give sb a high five — chocar los cinco con algnhigh flier N —
he's a high flier — es ambicioso, tiene talento y promete
High German N — alto alemán m
high ground N (fig) —
they believe they have or occupy the moral high ground in this conflict — creen que tienen moralmente la razón de su parte en este conflicto
high heels NPL — (=heels) tacones mpl altos; (=shoes) zapatos mpl de tacón
high jinks † * NPL — jolgorio msing, jarana f
there were high jinks last night — hubo jolgorio or jarana anoche
high jump N — (Sport) salto m de altura
high jumper N — (Sport) saltador(a) m / f de altura
the high life N — (gen) la buena vida; (in high society) la vida de la buena sociedad
high noon N — (=midday) mediodía m; (fig) (=peak) apogeo m; (=critical point) momento m crucial
high point N — [of show, evening] punto m culminante, clímax m inv ; [of visit, holiday] lo más destacado; [of career] punto m culminante, cenit m
high priest N — sumo sacerdote m
high relief N — alto relieve m
to throw or bring sth into high relief — (fig) poner algo de relieve
high road N — (esp Brit) carretera f
the high road to success/disaster — el camino directo al éxito/desastre
high roller N — (US) (gen) derrochón(-ona) m / f; (gambling) jugador(a) m / f empedernido*
high school N — (US, Brit) instituto m de enseñanza secundaria, ≈ liceo m (LAm)
junior high (school) — (US) instituto donde se imparten los dos primeros años de bachillerato
high school diploma N — (US) ≈ bachillerato m
high school graduate N — (US) ≈ bachiller mf
the high seas NPL — alta mar fsing
high season N — temporada f alta
high spot N — [of show, evening] punto m culminante, clímax m inv ; [of visit, holiday] lo más destacado; [of career] punto m culminante, cenit m
high stakes NPL —
- play for high stakeshigh street N — calle f mayor, calle f principal
high street banks — bancos mpl principales
high street shops — tiendas fpl de la calle principal
high summer N — pleno verano m, pleno estío m
high table N — (gen) mesa f principal, mesa f presidencial; (Univ, Scol) mesa f de los profesores
high tea N — (Brit) merienda-cena f (que se toma acompañada de té)
at high tide — en la pleamar, en marea alta
high treason N — alta traición f
high-water markhigh water N — pleamar f, marea f alta
HIGH SCHOOL En Estados Unidos las high schools son los institutos donde los adolescentes de 15 a 18 años realizan la educación secundaria, que dura tres cursos ( grades), desde el noveno hasta el duodécimo año de la enseñanza; al final del último curso se realiza un libro conmemorativo con fotos de los alumnos y profesores de ese año Yearbook y los alumnos reciben el diploma de high school en una ceremonia formal de graduación. Estos centros suelen ser un tema frecuente en las películas y programas de televisión estadounidenses en los que se resalta mucho el aspecto deportivo - sobre todo el fútbol americano y el baloncesto - además de algunos acontecimientos sociales como el baile de fin de curso, conocido como Senior Prom.high wire act N — número m en la cuerda floja, número m de funambulismo
See:see cultural note YEARBOOK in yearbook* * *
I [haɪ]adjective -er, -est1)a) ( tall) <building/wall/mountain> altohow high is it? — ¿qué altura tiene?
the tower is 40 m high — la torre tiene 40 m de alto or de altura
a 12 ft high wall — un muro de 12 pies de alto or de altura
the river is very high — el río está muy alto or crecido
high cheekbones — pómulos mpl salientes
c) ( in status) <office/rank/officials> altod) (morally, ethically) <ideals/principles/aims> elevado2)a) (considerable, greater than usual) <temperature/speed/pressure> alto; < wind> fuerteto have a high color — ( permanently) ser* rubicundo; ( because of a fever) estar* muy colorado or rojo
to pay a high price for something — pagar* algo muy caro
to be high in vitamins/proteins — ser* rico en vitaminas/proteínas
b) (good, favorable)3)a) (Lit, Theat)a moment of high comedy/drama — un momento comiquísimo/muy dramático
b) ( climactic) culminante4)a) (happy, excited)we had a high old time — (colloq) lo pasamos estupendamente
b) ( intoxicated) (colloq) drogado, colocado (Esp fam)to be/get high on something — estar* drogado or (Esp tb) colocado/drogarse* or (Esp tb) colocarse* con algo (fam)
5) ( of time)
adverb -er, -esta) < fly> altohigh up — arriba, en lo alto
to aim high — \<\<marksman\>\> apuntar alto; \<\<ambitious person\>\> picar* alto
to search o hunt o look high and low (for something) — remover* cielo y tierra (para encontrar algo)
c) (in amount, degree)how high are you prepared to bid? — ¿hasta cuánto estás dispuesto a pujar or ofrecer?
1)a) c ( level) récord mb) uon high — ( in heaven) en las alturas; ( high above) en lo alto
См. также в других словарях:
Marrakech — مراكش / Marrākush Marrakech Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Burbuja inmobiliaria en España — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda … Wikipedia Español
Crisis económica de 2008-2011 — Este artículo trata sobre la crisis en la economía real. Para la crisis monetaria, véase Crisis financiera de 2008. Países con recesión oficial … Wikipedia Español
Crisis económica de 2008-2009 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Este artículo trata sobre la crisis en la economía real. Para la crisis monetaria, véase Crisis financiera de 2008. Por crisis económica de 2008 y 2009 se conoce a la crisis económica mundial que comenzó ese año,… … Wikipedia Español
Café (todos) — Wikipedia:Café (todos) Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Atajos WP:C … Wikipedia Español
Orihuela — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor. Para el municipio turolense, véase… … Wikipedia Español
Venezuela — Para otros usos de este término, véase Venezuela (desambiguación). República Bolivariana de Venezuela … Wikipedia Español
Alcalá de Henares — Para otros usos de este término, véase Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares … Wikipedia Español
Gobernantes de Argentina — La Casa Rosada, actual sede de gobierno de la Argentina … Wikipedia Español
Crisis alimentaria en el Cuerno de África de 2011 — Condiciones estimadas de la seguridad alimentaria, julio septiembre de 2011. … Wikipedia Español
Medellín — Para otros usos de este término, véase Medellín (desambiguación). Medellín … Wikipedia Español